Bring your full self, not your full data.
Every Forem has it's own database. After signing up, you will have a direct relationship with the community you have registered for. Forem authentication just makes everything easier.
The 'you' who needs to keep up with JavaScript trends might not be the same 'you' that binges on cooking shows. Keep the same login across the Forem network while being able to build a new identity for each Forem experience. You do you.
Data is not shared between Forems. Forem is open source software that allows you to create relationships with your communities.
Be part of something better.
Forem authentication simplifies your experience. As the Forem Network grows, find new creators and connect with community easily. We bring familiar OAuth login mechanisms and only that - no data harvesting or enrichment.
For empowering community.
Forem started with DEV. We built this Forem authentication method to allow DEV members, and all Forem users, to easily explore new spacesand help all Forems thrive.
Please continue to support open source, help improve Forem, andtogether we will make the internet more accessible, transparent, and secure.